Olivia O’Connor


Olivia O'Connor, woodcarver and artist with sculpture art



I specialise in handmade rocking horses and rocking horse restoration, I am living and working in South Gippsland, Victoria.

I grew up on a farm on Australia’s Mornington Peninsula. It was the perfect environment to develop a love for natural materials, such as wood and leather, and to appreciate the beauty of the countryside.

A love of working with timber led me to I study Furniture Design and Construction at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, for one year before being accepted into the competitive Prop Making course at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) in Sydney. During this three-year specialised degree, I worked with wood, leather, foam-sculpting, model- and mould-making and puppet making.


My Work

Wood Carving


Prints / Engravings

Rocking Horses



I’ll be at the Heide Makers Market the 2nd Saturday of the month September – December!

Hello there! For those of you who don’t know me, I am Olivia and I restore rocking horses (and I also love carving timber sculptures, print making and teaching other people how to carve 💕). If you’d like to know more about why I do what I do, I will be on the radio this Sunday 23rd March, chatting away with Lisa Pellegrino about my work!Program is National Weekend Evenings with Lisa Pellegrinoyou can listen to it on any ABC Local Radio station at 8PM this Sunday night! Thank you! 🐎❤️☀️ #rockinghorse #tadio #abcradio ... See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Olivia O'Connor Carving
You’re invited to our exhibition opening on Saturday 5th April, 11am @littleoberoncafe … it’s also my birthday so the bring your party vibes! An Inkling of Printmakers features local print makers @helentimburydesign @sharon.artfx @toora_kaiju @oliviaoconnorcarving We hope to see you there! Tell your friends! 💃💃💃 #fishcreek #printmaking #printmaker #exhibition #meettheartist #woodblock #woodblockprint ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Olivia O'Connor Carving
Little Frog. Big Climb , is one of my favourite sculptures to date, a piece about resilience and hope, climate catastrophe, hard work and my love of nature. Carved from a single, old piece of Huon Pine, gifted to me by my friend @thepyrographer . Little Frog. Big Climb was a finalist in the Toorak Sculpture Prize and is currently on exhibition as part of ‘Of the Earth’ at the beautiful Berninneit (Phillip Island) until the 23rd of March. #woodcarver #woodcarving #sculpture #berninneit #cowes #phillipisland #frog #art #huonpine ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

Olivia O'Connor Carving
I’ll be at @losttrades this long weekend in Bendigo…I’ve been doing rocking horse and carving demonstrations at every fair at 2015…swipe through to watch me age 😂Hope to see you there! 🐎 ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

Olivia O'Connor Carving
Thank you to everyone who has supported, visited, told their friends and sent such kind words about our gorgeous exhibition at Berninneit Gallery (Cowes, Phillip Island)! Open now, until the 23rd of March. I’m feeling especially blessed and grateful to you all as I only have a couple of sculptures (out of 10 on exhibition 😮) that are still available - this little carving gal can’t tell you how much this means to me, thank you 🥰 Of the Earth features artists @thepyrographer @lucehersey @ellenm_taylor and Paul Kolac. Curated by @j.a.s.m.i.n.m.c.n.e.i.l.l @basscoastvenues @visitbasscoast #art #sculpture #berninneit #phillipisland #woodcarving #exhibition #thankyou ... See MoreSee Less
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From 1 day classes where you’ll dip your toe into the world of woodcarving, through to 5 day workshops, making something decorative or learning technical skills. Join me in a workshop, let the creativity flow and the fun begin!